Verification of Technician/Tester
Licenses and test kit calibration certificates

Our tools require testers to be certified in all ways you require to be able to log results. We are able to alert them when their certificates are expiring.

Online Inspections and Permits
Management of the following processes

Aerobic Systems, Backflow Devices, Alarm Permits, Fire Alarm, Fire Sprinkler, Fire Pump, FIre Extinguisher, Kitchen Hood, Hood Cleaning, Grease Traps, Sand/Grit Traps, Emergency Lighting/Emergency Generators.

Time Saving Automation
No more spreadsheets!

Conveniently and securely located online, there is no need to maintain spreadsheets or filing cabinets full of additional paper. Our optimized, automated and efficient tools make the management of important data more efficient for both the city and the testers.

about us

SCTS is an online tracking tool designed to simplify managment and compliance of state and local mandated requirements. We are home grown company from Rockwall, TX tasked with helping municipalities become more code compliant while reducing overhead.


SC Tracking Solutions' vision is to create efficiency and cost savings while also reducing paper waste. If we can make people's life easier while creating a safer environment with more frequent and consistant compliance then we have done our job.


* Customized Programs
* Online Tools
* Automated E-Mail Notices
* Access to Real Time Data
* License Verification of Testers